Frequently asked questions.



Must not have any heart, auto immune disorder or any condition that could increase your chance of infection or that would prevent you from properly healing 

          **Can not have type 1 Diabetes**

  • RETIN A-

Must be off of Retin A for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to procedure.  Retin A thins out the skin and could result in scarring.


Must wait at least 4-6 weeks from last chemical peel.  Skin is fresh and sensitive after chemical peel, we must wait for a full skin regeneration cycle to take place.

  • ***ACCUTANE for ACNE***

Must be off of Accutane for AT LEAST one year.  Accutane is so harsh on the skin and we could cause serious scarring or damage. We can NOT work on your brows if there is ANY acne or blemishes in the area.  Opening a blemish in the area can cause spreading of the bacteria and lead to infection.


No blemishes in the brow area, No cuts, bruises, abrasions, or freshly tanned/burned skin.


Must be drug and alcohol free for at least 48 hours.  Prevents blood from clotting which could affect how the color heals and potentially push the color out.


There are no known risks of PMU affecting a fetus, but you are at higher risk of infection and will not be able to take anything to treat infection if anything were to happen.  Please schedule appointment 6-12 weeks after your beautiful baby has arrived.



What's the difference between Microblading & Powderfill?


Microblading is a manual method used to deposit individual hairstrokes of pigment into the superficial layer of the dermis. These hair strokes mimic the look of natural hairs giving a fuller brow look and is ideal for dry to normal skin.
Powderfill can be done manually (also known as softap) or with a machine which is what Jenny uses and is more of a pixilated fill that gives the look of doing your brows with a pencil or powder makeup and can be as soft or as dramatic as you want it. Powderfill (or Softap) is ideal for all skin types, more suitable for those with oily skin than microblading.


How often do I need a touchup?


Permanent cosmetics is a process, not a procedure. Every procedure is completed in a 2-3 step process with a minimum of a 4-8 week gap in between appointments. Once the desired color and shape is achieved:

  • Microblading touchups are recommended every 12-24 months to keep the color fresh and the strokes crisp.

  • Powderfill touchups are recommended every 12-36 months as well dependent on skin type & how well the skin holds onto color.

  • Touchups, also known as 'color boosts', come down to preference and skin type. Therefore time varies based on each client's preference and skin type.  Those with oily skin will most likely need additional or more frequent touchups.


What is the process like and how long will it take?


I take pride in making sure I know exactly what my clients expectations and goals are. I do a consultation at the beginning of every appointment to make sure we make decisions together and are on the same page. Once we have decided which method is best for you, we select the perfect color to match your natural brow hair and skin tone. We then numb the area with a topical numbing cream.
Once numb, I take as long as necessary to draw on the perfect shape. There are certain measurements I take into consideration when creating a shape unique to each client. We will make any adjustments necessary until you are 100% satisfied. Start to finish the appointment is about 2-2.5 hours long (If we are doing a Bold machine powder brow, it may take 3 hours)

What should I do to prepare for my procedure?


Come to your appointment with some brow inspiration and ideas of what you're hoping to achieve with your brows.

  • Leave your brow hair alone (no tweezing, waxing, tinting, etc.) for 1-2 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • DO NOT take any of the following 24 hours prior to your appointment as they will cause excess bleeding and affect how the color holds and heals.

    • Caffeine​

    • Alcohol

    • Ibuprofen/Aspirin or any blood thinners

    • THC

  • Avoid FISH OIL & VITAMIN E 2 weeks prior to appointment.


What should I do after my procedure?


Keep the affected area clean and DRY! You need to avoid ALL moisture (i.e. sweat, steam, water, etc.) until your scabs have flaked off completely.  This means NO EXERCISE for the entire duration of healing.  Sweat has salt in it which is used to remove color, so absolutely NO SWEATING.

  • Be very careful and gentle while sleeping to avoid rubbing off scabs/flakes. Make sure you have a fresh clean pillow case as to avoid any bacteria getting into brows, silk or satin are less abrasive.

  • You will generally be given a small tube of ointment to put on the affected area. Use very sparingly and apply a THIN layer 2-3 times per day. The area should be kept lightly moisturized, but still allowed to breathe. If you put too much on, the color can be prematurely pulled from the skin. Make sure the skin is constantly moisturized, but be careful not to pull off scabs while applying ointment. You may gently rinse/wipe your brows with clean fingers and water if you notice the ointment is getting “caked” onto your brows before applying a fresh layer on.

  • Avoid all lotions and makeup above, on and around the brows so nothing seeps into them while healing.

  • Avoid all sun exposure while healing

  • Keep your hair pulled back or tucked behind your ears so the products and oils in your hair do not touch your fresh brows.

  • If your skin is oozing excess lymph fluid, you will be given gauze and a wash to gently wipe your brows to clean off any oozing before it dries onto the brows.  If you are not given a wash but still notice oozing (like your brows are sweating) then grab a clean q-tip or tissue and blot them dry.


How long does it take to heal?


Healing time varies for each individual. Typically it takes about 7-10 days for the epithelial crust to form and slough off. Your skin will be considered healed after that occurs. Then, the pigment will take some time to settle into the skin and may appear much lighter in color at first. The color will then reflourish over the next couple weeks. A good month should pass before the process is considered complete and we are able to consider your next session.

Does it hurt?


There is some discomfort associated with the procedure.
A topical anesthetic is used to numb the affected area. Clients say the sensation is similar to multiple paper cuts (microblading) and tweezing (powderfill). Additional numbing cream is applied throughout the procedure to keep clients as comfortable as possible. Most describe it as annoying vs painful.


Do I need to take the day off work?


NO.  There is no downtime associated with the treatment. Redness and swelling will dissipate within an hour or two afterwards. Your brows will appear darker initially after treatment, but not so dark that you will be prevented from doing your daily activities.

*Note* Your makeup may get wiped off during the procedure, you may bring extra makeup if you would like to touchup your face after your appointment.


Will Botox affect my brows?


We ask that you wait at least 2 weeks after getting Botox done to schedule your brow appointment to allow the Botox to settle.
You are free to get botox done again once your brows have gone through the healing process (1-2 weeks). If done properly, it should have no effect on your brows.

Can I workout after I get my brows done?


NO! You will have better color retention and healed results if you refrain from sweaty workouts during the healing process (7-10 days). Sweat contains salt which will pull color from your skin. This does not just mean dripping sweat, it includes perspiring. Anytime we get our body temperature up, we perspire from the inside out.
If you do decide to workout and sweat during this timeframe, and it affects your color retention, you may be subject to an additional touchup at an additional charge.


Do I need to put an ointment on my brows?


Yes but please use the ointment given to you at your appointment and do not lose it. I pick only the best products for my clients, therefore the ointment given to you will help your brows heal optimally.

The ointment is used to moisturize the skin and prevent excess scabbing, infection, and potential scarring. I do my part during the procedure to only use 100% sterile tools as well as watching the integrity of your skin and my technique to prevent scarring. It is your job to keep your brows clean, dry, and not pick at them afterward so that no infection or scarring will occur and to ensure you have the optimal healed results. When applying the ointment make sure the area is clean and dry and apply with a clean q-tip 2-3 times per day, keeping the area lightly moisturized.


Can I get my brows done if I am pregnant or nursing?


The main risks for pregnant women getting their brows done is infection and not being able to take medicine if an infection were to occur.  Your hormones are also out of wack during pregnancy and the color may or may not heal properly.  Because of these risks we ask that you wait for that cute babe to be born and wait 3-4 months afterwards to schedule your brow appointment.  

Nursing is a controversial topic.  I will work on nursing moms.  We do not go deep enough for the numbing or pigment to effect the milk.  The biggest concern with nursing moms are hormones again but as women our hormones are all over the place anyway so if you feel comfortable getting your brows done while nursing then I am comfortable doing them.  I have done many nursing moms and they have healed just fine.

What is your cancellation policy?


I charge a 100% fee for no-shows (including cancellations the day of your appointment), a 50% fee for cancellations and 24 hours before your appointment, and a 25% fee for cancellations made within 72 hours of the scheduled appointment date. I have a list of clients waiting to get in and am willing to reschedule your appointment to another date IF you give me at least 72 hours notice, but this will also be a small fee.

If you decide to cancel your appointment 3 or more consecutive times, your artist maintains the right to refuse further service. 

This policy applies to all artists associated with LeBlanc Artistry, if you need clarification please reach out to Jenny or your artist for assistance


What should I expect during the healing process?

DAY 1- Your brows will be dark and crisp. A big change for some but so perfect

DAYS 2-4 Your brows will get darker and appear thicker. You may question your decision in getting your brows done. **Some brows will even look red in color

DAYS 5-14 Your brows will crust over forming flakes or thin scabs. They will start to flake off and look funny/patchy. The color underneath will look extremely light as if the color did not hold

DAYS 15-25 The scabs should be flaked off by now but the color will appear too light now. You can wear makeup in the meantime

WEEKS 3-6 The color has started to reflourish back to the surface of the skin and appear darker again. There may still be some patchy or uneven spots. At the touchup we will make adjustments to the shape, color, or method to make them perfect.