
Brow aftercare can be a lot to remember so we wanted to give you a little cheat sheet

Important reminders!

  • Lymph Fluid.

    The first 1-3 days of the healing process you may see lymph fluid in your brows; almost like sweat droplets.

    Lightly press on your brows with a tissue or Q-tip to remove the lymph. Especially the first hour after your appointment.

    You can also gently wipe your brows (front to tail) with clean hands using the excess soap and water from washing your hands.

  • Ointment.

    A rice grain amount (total for both brows) on a clean q-tip should be applied at least morning and night. If the skin feels tight or dry, apply another layer, keeping them lightly moisturized at all times .

    Get the ointment in underneath your hairs to keep your skin moisturized.

    Be gentle, don’t pull any flakes off.

    Aquaphor, vaseline, neosporin, lotion, etc. are NOT replacements so please do not misplace your ointment.

  • Protect those brows.

    Keep your hair away from your healing brows. Tuck your hair behind your ears or keep it pulled back so the oils and hair product do not lift your color out.

    You also want to keep your brows out of the sun so make sure you’re wearing a hat and sunglasses!

  • Sleeping.

    Be very careful not to sleep on or your face while healing. We don’t want to rub our perfect brows off onto our pillow.

    Change your pillow case. Sleeping on a clean pillow case will prevent any bacteria getting into our fresh brows which are considered to be an open wound.

What to expect while your brows are healing

  • Immediately after.

    Right after getting your brows done they may be very tender and feel like you have a good sunburn on your brows.

    You can take Ibuprofen and everything that you were supposed to avoid prior to getting them done. If you need to ice them, make sure you have a paper towel as a barrier against your skin and the ice.

  • Too dark.

    The day after you get your brows done they will look DARK and THICK. They may look uneven in spots. Be ready for them to change throughout the healing process. It is normal for the color to go warm/reddish but will neutralize once healed into the skin.

    2-4 days in to the healing process your brows will be the darkest/thickest.

    It can be scary, but try to be patient and wait for it to calm down. They will shrink and fade once healed.

  • Scabbing and flaking.

    Days 5-14 of the healing process your brows may itch, scab, and flake. This is normal. NOTE: everyone’s skin scabs and flakes differently, If you don’t have scabbing or flaking that is also normal.

    Do not itch or pull at any of the flaking, it can pull color out before it has healed into the skin.

    This will cause the color to look patchy, but if happens, don’t stress too much, that is what the touchup is for.

  • Too light.

    Days 15-25 When the scabs flake off, the color may look too light, but will resurface and darken up a couple weeks after the flakes fall off as your skin cells turn over.

    Keep note of where you feel like spots are lighter or not holding as crisp as you would like so we can discuss and adjust at your touchup.

  • Touchups.

    After a few weeks your color will come back and the shape will appear more defined. You can tint and laminate your brows 2-4 weeks after they have flaked off.

    Initially you will need your 6-8 week appointment to touchup any spots that are too light and perfect your eyebrows. Some will prefer a 3rd session depending on how they heal. Usually those with oily skin will need this additional touchup to get the color to hold as the natural oils tend to push out the color. If you do not follow your aftercare exactly, the color may not heal ideally and you may need an additional touchup as well.

    Color boosts are recommended every 1-2 years. Everyone’s brows will fade differently depending on skin type, lifestyle and preference on darkness.

    It is best to wait until your brows are faded by 50% before coming in for an ANNUAL touchup. Only ONE session is usually needed for an annual touchup.

Stay dry.

Avoid getting water on your brows and do not fully submerge them in water. In the shower tilt your head backwards and keep a towel on hand to make sure water doesn’t run into your brows. Try to avoid humidity also, so no hot steamy showers!

No sweating.

Salt pushes pigment out of your skin, so dripping sweat will stop your skin from retaining pigment. We sweat from the inside out, so make sure you aren’t getting your core body temperature up. This means you have to take a break from workouts, hot yoga, and even yard work for the healing process.

Keep those brows moisturized.

You should be applying ointment to your brows at least twice a day. Any time your brows feel tight or dry reapply and stop them from drying out. Do not use anything else besides the ointment given to you because that can negatively affect your healing.

Be careful with your skin care.

Make sure you are avoiding applying lotion, makeup, face wash, or serums on your forehead. These can seep down into your brows and prevent pigment retention. Once your brows are healing you can put product on your forehead, but always avoid serums, facials, chemical peels, etc. on your brows.

No itching.

As you get further into the process your brows will start to itch and flake. Make sure you are not itching them and let the scabs and flakes fall off on their own. Pulling scabs out can also pull pigment out, so no pulling and be careful putting your ointment on.


Baby your brows.

Remember that UV rays fade your brows so make sure you are wearing a hat or putting sunscreen on your healed brows whenever you go out in the sun.

Skin products and treatments can also fade your brows faster, so in order to help the retention of your brows, avoid: facials, chemical peels and anti-aging creams ON your eyebrows (around your brows are fine)